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Green Stimulus Index

The latest version of the Green Stimulus Index, produced in cooperation with F4B and Vivid Economics, has been released.

This update of the index incorporates new information that has become available since the previous release. The latest announcements on stimulus flows, deregulation and environmental policies have been incorporated into the analysis, with the following highlights:

  • The total quantity of measured stimulus has increased to $11.8 trillion.

  • The European Union has approved the ‘Next Generation EU’ recovery package, which includes substantial funding for ‘green’ initiatives.

  • Environment-specific announcements include Germany’s substantially green-oriented ‘Package for the Future’ and support for South Korea’s ‘Green New Deal’. France has achieved more success in attaching environmental conditions to bailouts granted to environmentally intensive industries, and the UK has announced some specific funding for ‘green’ projects.

  • However, continued support for environmentally-intensive industries in the form of unconditional bailouts and other measures has also been announced. Read the report >


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