Environmental Finance - Environmental Finance - Bailout funding should have environmental strings attached
IMF Fiscal Monitor - Fiscal Monitor: Policies for the Recovery
Environmental Information Centre - The green revitalization" is a research on the relief of high-carbon industries: the United States, Australia and other major economic countries
Environment Analyst -Funding the great build-back: where investments will be greenest
Australia Financial Review - China pledge, Biden win would bring climate goals closer: scientists
Edie News - As Boris Johnson unveils COP26 'launchpad' event, is the world on track for a green recovery?
Guardian - Few countries living up to Covid 'green recovery' pledges – analysis
Business Green - Report: Covid-19 stimulus packages already benefitting high carbon industries
Stuff New Zealand - Shoots of green Covid-19 recovery crushed by wheels of industry
El periódico de la Energía -
Business Green - Global Covid-19 recovery plans failing climate and the environment, study warns
Chile Desarrollo Sustentable -When economic recovery is not as Green as it is painted
Reuters - Green or Brown? As lockdowns lift, governments face a recovery climate choice
Tagesspiegel - 30 billion euros for energy and climate
Carbon Brief - Coronavirus: Tracking how the world’s ‘green recovery’ plans aim to cut emissions
Taggespiegel Background - Test the background for decision-makers
Inside EVs - Will The COVID-19 Pandemic Be Negative Or Positive For Electric Cars?
Green Growth Knowledge platform - Which countries are best using COVID-19 stimulus packages to support nature?
Daily Echo - Daily Echo (UK) - Coronavirus: the latest across Dorset and the UK
Nikkei - France deregulates department stores and other stores open, citizens go out
Swiss Radio - How ecological are the Corona economic packages?
El Confidencial Colombia - A unique opportunity to grow better
Edie News - Messages of hope: How world leaders are rallying for a green Covid-19 recovery
Business Green - Petersberg Climate Dialogue: UK says governments have 'duty' to build climate-resilient economies post-Covid-19
El Economista - 11% of the stimuli against Covid-19 have an environmental impact? And more 'brown' than 'green'
Euractiv - Merkel reaffirms support for raising EU’s 2030 climate target to 50-55%