F4B's Green Stimulus Index methodology which measures the greenness of country's fiscal response to the crisis, developed with Vivid Economics features in the IMF Fiscal Monitor this month
F4B's Green Stimulus Index methodology which measures the greenness of country's fiscal response to the crisis, developed with Vivid Economics is featured in IMF Fiscal Monitor this month.

The IMF applies the methodology just to climate change related investment: They find France tops the index with almost 1 percent of GDP to climate positive measures. Green measures were mostly direct budget expenditures such as incentives for more energy-efficient vehicles (China, France, Italy). Countries have also provided loans and grants for green investments and upgrading. Negative measures have been mainly bailouts, such as those for airlines in Brazil, China, and France. To date, only France attached significant green conditionality to its bailout. The GSI developed this methodology to looks at both climate and biodiversity conservation goals. Read the full Green Stimulus Index Report