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6 October 2021 at 23:00:00

Aligning Development Finance with Nature’s Needs: The role of government shareholders of development banks

This paper analyses the duties of governments in relation to nature and the supervision of public development banks (PDBs). It also appraises the powers available to government shareholders to direct PDB management: to improve risk management practices related to nature dependency; and, to reduce impact on nature.

We present data on shareholding of 28 of the largest development banks. The analysis shows that G20 countries’ collective stakes in these development banks are worth nearly $7 trillion, and that they collectively have the majority of board votes in seven out of the eight largest multilateral development banks.

Through representatives on the boards of development banks, shareholder governments can demand nature-related stress tests, nature positive investment portfolios, and better management of nature-related risks.

Comments are welcomed. Please direct these to:
Nathalie Nathe:

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