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25 February 2021 at 05:00:00

Greening Sovereign Debt: New Paper: Building a Nature and Climate Sovereign Bond Facility

This report sets out a proposal to establish a ‘Nature and Climate Sovereign Bond Facility. It provides governments and investors with the tools to recognise nature’s contribution to long-term sustainability and economic performance, at the same time providing urgent solutions to the debt crisis.

The proposal has been developed in consultation with a Working Group on Nature and Debt that includes:Agence Française de Développement, Centre for Sustainable Finance at SOAS University of London, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Climate Bonds Initiative, Inter-American Development Bank, Institute for International Finance, International Finance Corporation, International Institute for Environment and Development, Global Environment Facility, The Nature Conservancy, Paulson Institute, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, and World Wide Fund for Nature.

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